Whatever you do, do not give up.

The imperfections that should disqualify you actually make you eligible for grace

When everything seems to go wrong and all the flaws that have been carefully tucked away start to rise to the surface like cream; the immediate response is to go into deep cover and try to give our lives another face-lift. However that is a wake-up call that it’s time to simply surrender to God.

God loves you too much to let you remain the way you are

Sometimes the storm is an answer to your prayers.

The perfect storm is designed to blow away every band- aid and temporary fix to reveal areas of your life where you need a makeover.

Condemnation is of the devil. Do not allow it in your process. You are not a failure; you are simply a work in progress. Keep your eyes on Jesus. You will come out better than you ever imagined.

When you shock yourself with the words that come out of your mouth – you are a work in progress.

When you keep tripping over the same issue, and falling for the same temptations – you are a work in progress.

When you constantly have to deal with people that provoke you – you are a work in progress.

Be patient. You are being refined and you will come out shinning!

“He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross. He will purify the Levites, refining them like gold and silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the LORD.” Malachi 3:3

The purpose of purification is to transform you from the raw state to the finished product. The end result is perfect but the process is painful because no impurity is allowed to remain.

So if you feel picked on right now and it seems ALL of your faults have been revealed – it’s because you are being refined.  Every scum has to be burnt away till you are purified and reflect the image of the refiner.

Don’t be discouraged! Don’t give up. You will come out stronger, better and grounded.

The heavens are cheering you on – urging you not to give up! You are going to come out shinning. You are much closer than you think. Press through.

Stop trying to fix your life – surrender to the refiner and let Him unearth the treasure in you


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