Shortchange \shôrt -chānj\: to give (someone) less than what is expected or deserved.

 All things are yours!

 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

John 10:10 AMP

 Abundant life is your inheritance. Jesus died so that you would live. You should be so full of life that it overflows to the world around you. Jesus made an overpayment for your life and you owe nothing.

 All things are yours because you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s

We are supposed to be the solution to the problems of the world. People should come to us for answers. But how can we be the solution to the problems if we are struggling?

There are so many situations that we allow in our lives because we do not know who we are or because we do not really believe our identity – that is a tragedy! We are more than conquerors. We should live above the pressures of this world because even though we live in the world, we are not of the world. We need to rise from lethargy and occupy till Jesus comes.

 The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

Mathew 11:12

The abundant life is your inheritance. Jesus did not negotiate a temporary deal of life – He paid for it with His own life. Whether you maximize your life or not, abundant life is yours

 Abundant life is your inheritance – do not wait till eternity to discover the life you could have lived.

 Enforce your dominion. The devil has your stuff – Go and take it from him by force. Do not let him get away with anything in your life. Command the full restoration of all that has been stolen.

 Do not let the devil steal from you anymore!


 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:32

Spend quality time digging into the treasures of the word of God. Identify scriptures that address your challenges and declare the word of God till you see the manifestation in your life.

Do not live below your privileges! Determine to be all that God created you to be. You are unique and God has precious investments in your life. Seek God for a revelation of your purpose and then step out boldly to fulfill your purpose.

Do not let the devil shortchange you. You have been equipped to live an overflowing life.

When you live an overflowing life, you are maximizing the investment of God in your life. Your overflow blesses people around you, and you become a source of hope.

The Lord is making a differencebetween His people and the world.

Let us determine not to waste the potency of the sacrifice of Jesus in our lives. The best way to appreciate the sacrifice of Jesus is to live the full life! Enjoy everything He died to give you.

 You are equipped to live Jesus’ life on earth. Show the world what it would feel like and look like to have Jesus live through your situation. Take your place as a god on earth!

You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High.

Psalm 82:6

Anything less than abundance in your life is an indication you are living below your privileges!

Step into your abundant life today. Refuse to be shortchanged!

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