Same Impossible Message, Different Reactions


Join me on a new Christmas tradition tagged LUKE TO CHRISTMAS!

For the first 24 days of December, we will explore the story of Jesus’s birth by reading the 24 chapters of Luke just in time for Christmas day on December 25. By reading the book of Luke in 24 days, we will step into Christmas with a renewed awareness of the significance of Christmas.

The first chapter of Luke is quite dramatic! The two main story lines have fascinating similarities and differences. Angel Gabriel appeared to two people with the same impossible message – you will have a baby! One was a very old man and the other was a teenage virgin. In both cases, the Angel’s message was preposterous. The message would have been laughable if it wasn’t delivered by an Angel.

Zachariah was a very old man married to Elizabeth and Mary was a young girl engaged to be married. The Angel appeared to each one and told them they would have a baby that will be names John and Jesus respectively. There was a stark contrast in Zachariah and Mary’s reactions to the news. While they were both surprised, there was a fundamental difference in the responses.

 The message translation of the Bible provides the clearest view: 

Zachariah said to the angel, “Do you expect me to believe this? I’m an old man and my wife is an old woman”

Luke 1:14 

Zachariah DID NOT BELIEVE God’s promise.

Mary said to the angel “But how? I’ve never slept with a man”

Luke 1:34 

Mary DID NOT UNDERSTAND how God’s promise would come to pass. Yet she believed.

It is okay not to understand the promises of God but it is not okay to doubt God. The important thing for us to know is that there is NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE for God. No matter the situation, God can do exactly what He has promised to do. You will be blessed for believing God

“Blessed is she (or he 😊) who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord”

Luke 1:45 

Believe God. Nothing is impossible.


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