The day started out really hot! The temperature was 102⁰F with an actual feel of 105⁰F and heat wave warnings. True to prediction – it was hot and humid! The afternoon heat was almost unbearable. Then suddenly there was heavy rain and a drastic drop in temperature. The day that started so hot ended with heavy rains and a flash flood warning!

It rained so hard, the visibility was poor and it was difficult to drive. With the thunderbolts blaring, car wipers on full speed, hazard lights on, I crawled through the streets looking for a safe place to park till conditions improved. Glancing at the back seat, I saw my son sleeping peacefully through the chaos and my daughter was perfectly calm singing along with the radio which was barely audible with the loud noise outside. Even though I was sweating it out at the wheels trying to get us home safely, my children were at peace because mummy was driving and they knew she would get them home safely.

Trusting God is just like that. When God is driving the car of your life, you can remain at peace and know that He will definitely get you to your destination safely. No matter what the storms look like, He is not nervous in any way and He is not surprised by the rain, the roller coaster temperature or the labyrinth of life.

Instead of worrying about twists and turns on the way, choose to rely completely on God and trust Him with your life. You can choose to worry or choose to trust God. Worry is a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems, while Faith is the confidence that the good things we hope for will actually happen and that gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

It will be tempting to worry and fret during tough situations, but we can choose to rely on the love of God and make a daily commitment to remain steadfast and trust God.

“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!”

Psalm 139:16-17

Trust God and rest in His love.

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