You are one touch away from your breakthrough!

Difficult situations have a tendency to overwhelm us into inaction and focusing on the enormity of life’s challenges is a slippery slope that leads to self-pity and helplessness. However, we can choose to forget all excuses, ignore all ‘if onlys’, ditch self-pity and reach out to God for help.

There was a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard of Jesus, she joined the crowd with a singular purpose of reaching out and touching Jesus.

This woman did not reach out to touch Jesus perhaps something would happen. She reached to touch Jesus fully expecting to be healed. She wasn’t ‘trying Jesus out’, she meant business! She kept saying to herself –“if only I could touch his clothes, I will be healed”

Jesus was her only option, she had tried everything else and nothing worked. Out of desperation she dressed up and preparing to break every protocol and overcome every obstacle to reach out and touch Jesus. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be seen in public – but that didn’t matter – she was desperate for her healing. This was a fight for her life. She knew that pressing through the crowd would not be easy – she didn’t expect it to be! She had made a quality decision to do whatever it would take to touch Jesus’ prayer shawl.

She successfully executed her plan and fought her way through the crowd till she touched the hem of His prayer shawl. Immediately she touched Jesus, she was made whole. Her faith in Jesus drew power out of Him and she received her healing. There were so many people touching Jesus in the crowd but only that woman drew power out of Jesus because she was intentional about reaching out for her healing.

In another city, a blind man named Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by and he started to shout at the top of his voice, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!” the crowd tried to shut him up by encouraging him to be civil and stay silent. Nevertheless, he shouted all the more because he was tired of his situation and knew Jesus could heal him. His faith caught Jesus’ attention. When Jesus sent for him, Bartimaeus threw away his clothes and ran to the Master for his healing.

Bartimaeus made a quality decision to reach out to Jesus. He was not about to let his blindness limit him. He decided to use what he had to reach out to Jesus. He was desperate for a change and was prepared to break protocol. He was tired of his blindness and he was not willing to spend one more day in that situation. He cried out and reached out to Jesus in faith and he received his healing.

Are you desperate for a change? Do not be content in the crowd – Reach out to Jesus.

Let your desperation drive you to Jesus. All that you will ever need is in Jesus. It is high time you reached out to Him. Make a quality decision to reach out to Jesus. Do not make Jesus your last option; make Him your first point of call. No situation is too messy – do not allow the devil to keep you isolated from God.

Make a quality decision and Reach Out!

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