What would your life look like if every word that you say today becomes a reality in your life? Does the thought excite or terrify you? If you knew that every word you say today will come to pass, would you have to tape your mouth to avoid saying the wrong thing?

However, whether we know it or not; and whether we like it or not, every word we speak is a seed that goes into our future. We can create our world with our words.

Your words are powerful all the time – not just in prayers. Are you negating your prayers by everything else that you say all day long? The bible says that we would give account of the empty words. In other words, every word that comes out of your mouth should be on assignment – no idle chatter, no empty words.

“But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every empty word they have spoken.” Matthew 12:36

Watch your words.

Your words are not simply for communication.

Your words have creative power and you can choose your words.

The mouth is simply a channel. Words proceed from the heart. However words do not originate from the heart, but it proceeds from the stuff that you are exposed to everyday.

What is in your heart will come out of your mouth.

You really do not have total control over what comes out of your mouth. It is not simply a self-control issue, it is a heart issue. The stuff you are constantly exposing yourself to will build up in your heart and inevitably find its way out of your mouth.

The only way to control what comes out of your mouth is to control what goes into your heart

To turn your words around and have optimal power in your life, you need to constantly feed on the Word of God. If you fill your eyes and ears with the Words of life, it would fill your heart and begin to come out of you. The word of God becomes your word. Heaven and earth responds to the word of God.

The Word of God is as powerful in your mouth as it is in the mouth of God.

The devil will also try to use your words by making you say things that he wants to bring to pass in your life. Do not give the devil legal authority in your life. Choose your words wisely.

“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Prov. 18:21

Decree what you want to see – You will have what you say!



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48 thoughts on “IDLE WORDS”

  1. “The only way to control what comes out of your mouth is to control what goes into your heart” – yes! I love this connection – hadn’t seen it before quite this way! It’s not always easy [blush] to choose the Bible over facebook or a novel, but my spiritual appetite can be trained, just like my physical appetite. If I want to crave healthy foods, I simply start eating more of what God made, and less processed junk. My spiritual appetite is trained to crave God’s Word by reading it, and eliminating what feeds my flesh. I want my words to be life-giving and God-glorifying; one more motivation to cooperate with God in feeding the Spirit over my flesh.

  2. You are spot on Lorena!
    We all have to train our spiritual appetites to want what is healthy. The problem is that the flesh really loves spiritual junk food and it takes consistency and discipline to get hooked on the right stuff and begin to crave the Word of God. But the good news is that it is possible! Better still, the great news is that the Holy Spirit is so eager to help and make each day an adventure with God.

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