I woke up feeling out of line. I had let things slip and it felt like I had a backlog in every area. I walked into the prayer room for my daily time with God with that burden on my heart. My heart cry was “Lord align me!” It felt like I had the energy to do the barest minimum just to get by and I knew that was far from my best so I let out a desperate cry to the only person who could help me – Lord realign me and refocus my priorities!
Grasping for grace, I opened my bible to Psalm 37:23-24 and the words flooded my heart with peace.
“The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step]. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord grasps his hand in support and upholds him.”
It thrilled me to visualize God busy with my every step. I could see Him guiding, redirecting and recalibrating the routes of my life while supporting me through the falls. What an expression of love! The God who created the heavens and earth takes the time to direct my steps and be involved in my life.
God is interested in the details of your life. The details do matter to Him. He is heavily invested in your everyday life – yes including the decisions, the surprises, the highs and the lows. Therefore loneliness is an illusion! You are not alone – God is right there with you working out the details and He will make all things work together for your good. God is busy with your life.
Let the reality of the presence and the love of God warm your heart and provide the reassurance that you will never be without help. Face each day and all it brings with the knowledge that the Lord is directing your steps and you will win.