One of the most famous stories of all time is the story of David and Goliath. As a boy, David faced the champion of the Philistine army; the giant named Goliath, and defeated him in battle with a sling and a stone. The story is a classic example of the power of God.

Facing giants did not end in the bible days. We are still actively facing the giants today and Goliath is still around. Goliath is the giant of intimidation.

We have a detailed description of the physical characteristics of Goliath; he was about 10 ft. tall, wore a bronze helmet and a chest armor that weighed about 125 lbs – wow! He carried a javelin across his shoulders and the blade of his spear weighed about 15 lbs. Goliath had so much weight on him that he could break bones by sitting on a regular man! In addition to his physical characteristics, he was a trained warrior groomed for battle. The guy looked intimidating!

As if that was not bad enough, he was well versed in verbal assault! With a booming voice, he would shout threats at the army of Israel every morning and evening. Then he asked for a one-to-one show down. He challenged a volunteer to fight from the army of Israel – WHAT? Who would face the…monster? The army of Israel was subjected to this physical and mental intimidation consistently for 40 days!

Goliath’s strategy worked and he accomplished the desired result. When the King and the army of Israel heard Goliath’s words, they were dismayed, dreadfully afraid and they fled terrified.

The purpose of intimidation is to create fear and mount consistent pressure till you become terrified into inaction.


The devil is fighting against who you could become. Do not let fear of the unknown keep you where you are – make a move! You are equipped to be an overcomer.

Refuse to be held captive by fear and intimidation. There is so much latent power in you – Step out in faith and unleash the greatness in you.

If you succumb to the consistent pressure of fear, you will never know what you could have accomplished.

David realized that the strategy of Goliath was to intimidate the army of Israel and he said to the king “Let no man’s heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.” I Sam 17:32

When Saul realized that David was serious about going out to fight Goliath, he clad David in an armor which was very similar to Goliath’s armor; but David could not move because of the weight of the armor. David took off the armor, took out his sling and selected five smooth stones from the brook for the battle.

You cannot overcome by approaching your fears with a façade. You can only conquer with the word of God.

Then little David did the unthinkable, he did not keep a safe distance from Goliath, he ran towards him! He slung the stone which hit Goliath’s forehead and the giant fell! As soon as the giant fell, the entire army of Philistine fled and the battle was over.

What made a boy run towards what the King and grown men were afraid of? David had experiential knowledge of God and he knew God simply needed a man to face the giant in His name. God is waiting on you to step out in His name. He is on your side and He is saying “Come on, you can do this! Make the move, I am with you”

What are you afraid of? Dare your fear!


Stand on the word of God and face your fears. You have the assurance of victory in Jesus, so run towards every giant in your life. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Let the smooth stone of the word of God penetrate the forehead of your Goliath and watch in delight as the giant crashes at your feet!

This is the season to face your fears. Run towards every fear! Do not play it safe or remain in your comfort zone. You are more than an overcomer through Jesus Christ. You have no limits. The only limit that exists is the one you allow.

Stare down your fear

You cannot succeed if you do not try. Take that bold step of faith. Intimidation and fear are weapons to distract you. Press in and demand for your heart desire. Never give up. When fear loses its hold over you, all insecurities will disappear and failure becomes a learning opportunity that fuels the desire to try again.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Timothy 1:7

Never let challenges or closed doors intimidate you. Do not let fear hold you back.

Let this be the week that you tackle the giants in your life.

What would you do if you knew you could succeed at anything? – Go do it, you WILL succeed!

52 thoughts on “DARE YOUR FEAR”

  1. Thanks for sharing this. it is truly amazing and I am very proud of you.
    Fear is really the factor that limits the realization of potential. Reaching the top is not only about knowledge; there are multitude with knowledge who are limited by fear of unknown, failure…..etc. The greatest thing is to overcome fear and use knowledge as a vehicle to actualize dreams.Ultimately we must stay connected to God the Almighty!

    Flowing river is very apt. I pray that your God’s given talent will continue to flow!

    I am certain this is just the beginning of a great and wonderful journey in your life.

    I am looking forward to read a book from you soon.

    1. Amen, Amen and Amen!
      Thank you so much!!!
      You are so right! Fear of the unknown has such a crippling effect.
      What would happen if we all truly cast our cares on Jesus and step out in faith! What would happen if we leave the unknown to him and simply focus on obedience?

      The irony is that God will not move until we take the step of faith in obedience. Imagine what we have cheated ourselves out of simply because we were too afraid to try…
      But all that is over! Not anymore! We will become all that God has created us to be! We will take territories for Jesus till all the Kingdoms of this world become the Kingdom of our God!

      Stay tuned for the book.

  2. George Oluwadimu

    You may not know what tomorrow holds,but if you know who holds tomorrow, you have no need to fear what tomorrow will bring.

    1. That is so true !!!
      Jesus is the confidence that we have and all that we will ever need. He is our stability and He never changes!
      “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”.(Heb 13:8).
      Because He lives, we can face tomorrow!

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